Meet Tony

     Tony is a 36-year-old man who has been on hemodialysis for about 4 years ago. Previously to his diagnosis, he lived a very carefree life. He would say he worked hard and partied harder. He noticed his problems when there was blood in his stool and stomach aches. The doctor's diagnosed it as an intestinal problem, which was part of the problem, but the root of the problem was the undiagnosed kidney disease. Two years later, one of Tony's kidneys failed, leaving him with one functioning kidney. People can survive off of one kidney but the body needs to adapt to the stress and work that the one kidney is under. Tony began hemodialysis immediately to save the kidney. 

    For the past 4 years, Tony's health has remained steady with one kidney and attending dialysis 4 times a week. He goes to a clinic and is looking into at-home hemodialysis. With being diagnosed with kidney disease, Tony admits he is in pain almost 24/7 with sharp muscle pains and fluctuations in blood pressure. He is prescribed medicine to help these pains. Tony knows that with his age and disease, he is at risk for osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and more. He tries to keep a strong mindset and remind himself of the good in his life. Being sick so young and on dialysis is very hard on one's mental health. Tony admits his struggle with depression but remembers that he can work towards improving his mental health. Hemodialysis has given Tony a chance to live a longer life; while it is a struggle being sick, he maintains his health and continues to work towards a healthier lifestyle.


Living on Dialysis: My Story. (2018, May 18). Health Online.


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